Triad Vet Coalition Monthly Meetings

Sandy J is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Triad Vet Coalition Time: Jun 11, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time Every month on the Second Thu, until Sep…

ACAP July Meeting

ACAP Virtual Programs July 2020 Until we are able to gather again in person, local ACAP chapters are collaborating to offer monthly virtual programs, available via Zoom and Facebook Live…

July CE Program from Brookdale

Hello Everyone! I’m looking forward to presenting the July CE Program titled  Fighting Dementia With Food: Mind and Mediterranean Diets via Zoom, an online conference meeting room. Since we are not able…

Mad Hatters Group on Zoom

We plan to hold these meetings monthly on the third Tuesday from 12:30-1:30 pm during this pandemic.  Our next meeting will be held on July 21st. David Haynes inspired our next theme, “Talents”.  We were…

Goodwill BAC Happy Hour on Tuesday

Goodwill BAC Online Meeting    Tuesday, July 21, 4 p.m. You're Invited! Please join us online for our next BAC meeting on July 21 at 4 p.m. on Zoom. It’s time for our…