Volunteer Drivers Needed for Older Adults
We would appreciate your help in getting word out about the need for volunteers who can assist with driving older adults to medical appointments or to the grocery store. As…
SECU Family House Wish List
Hi HIPSS members, The Outreach committee is collecting items from the SECU Family House wish list until August 31. Please bring items to Selene Teague's office at Brighton Gardens at…
Spring Arbor Open Position
Spring Arbor of Thomasville is looking for a great Memory Care Coordinator! Please pass along to anyone who might be interested. The job is posted on our website. https://recruiting.ultipro.com/HHH1001HHHCO/JobBoard/88ac8814-4b03-4808-beb7-0cbaecde9465/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=1531c559-bda4-47e4-8709-6178eff29395 Thanks!…
You are invited to our next Virtual Veterans Coffee event on Wednesday morning, August 4, 2021, beginning at 9:00 am. The Zoom access link and passcode are below. There is no…
Veterans Coffee Wednesday, August 4
Good afternoon to all. I hope to see you next Wednesday morning, August 4, 9:00 am, for our virtual “VETERANS COFFEE”. Our speakers will be doing mini presentations about their…
ACAP Events in August
Please visit the ACAP website found here: http://www.acapcommunity.org/events/ to learn about the following events: Understanding Psychological Testing Date: August 10, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Hickory Join the Zoom Event Hosted by Hickory…
HIPSS Monthly August Membership Meeting
Trellis Supportive Care 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, NCHi HIPSS members and guests, Please join us for our August membership meeting live and in person at Trellis Supportive Care in Winston-Salem on Wednesday, August 11 at 11:15 am.…
Triad Vet Coalition – August Meeting – 08/12 – 1:30pm – on ZOOM
Folks , We hope you are doing well and will be able to join us .. A reminder that our August TVC meeting on Zoom is this coming Thursday at…