2020 Virtual Event Supporting Trellis Supportive Care

Register here: https://bestlifeseries.org/ Dear Friends, Join us on Wednesday, September 30 from 1-2:00 pm, as Trellis Supportive Care hosts best-selling author Mitch Albom for our 5th annual Living Your Best Life Speaker Series! After the success of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch will speak on his latest book, Finding Chika. This memoir shares…

October 1 Meeting, Coalition of Ministries for Older Adults

The Coalition of Ministries for Older Adults Sponsored by The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem will meet on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 11:45-1:00 In this time when we care for one another by staying apart, we will meet virtually via Zoom. Empathetic Support for Caregivers' Emotional Journey Presenter: Ann Renigar Hiatt, Ph.D. Ann received a Ph.D. from…

HIPSS October Board Meeting

Hi HIPSS board members, Please join us for our monthly board meeting by Zoom on Monday, October 5 at 3:30 pm.  The meeting link will be sent to you by email.

Triad Vet Coalition October Zoom Meeting

Good Morning ... We hope all is well with you and your team members.  Based on the continued COVID-19 impact on face to face events, we will be meeting virtually through December. As we get closer to the end of the year, we look at our ability to gather in person. Please join us on…

ACAP October Meeting

Staying Sane During the COVID-19 Pandemic, and other Stressful Times with Dr. Mary B. Berge, Licensed Clinical Psychologist As a practicing psychologist, Dr. Berge has a vast knowledge of human behavior, emotions, and coping. We hope you’ll join us via Zoom or Facebook Live! Tuesday, October 13 5:30 to 7:00 pm Please register by e-mailing us…

HIPSS Fall Symposium

Announcing: HIPSS Fall Symposium The annual HIPSS Fall Symposium will take the place of our October membership meeting this year.  Great News: The symposium is Free this year! We will meet by Zoom on Wednesday, October 14 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm Here is the link to register for the Symposium: https://hipss.info/symposium/2020-hipss-fall-symposium/ Once you register the meeting…

Wine & Cheese Welcome Reception for our new ED Jayme Shatley

Brookdale Winston Salem Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care 275 S. Peace Haven Rd., Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Wine and Cheese Welcome Reception We would like to invite you to our Wine & Cheese Welcome Reception for Jayme Shatley our new Executive Director. We will have wine & cheese and hors d’oeuvres. Connect with other professional colleagues and meet our team. It’s a great way to unwind at the end of the day. …

Continued Education October Program Brookdale Winston Salem Memory Care

Brookdale Winston Salem Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care 275 S. Peace Haven Rd., Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Hello Everyone! I’m looking forward to presenting the October CE Program titled  Medical Ethics at the End of Life via Zoom, an online conference meeting room. Since we are not able to meet together here at Brookdale Winston Salem I wanted to be able to still offer the continued education for you. This month I will be offering…