Virtual Continuing Education Courses from Brookdale

To better serve medical professionals, we’re offering virtual monthly Continuing Education (CE) courses. You can participate anywhere you have a high-speed Internet connection. Check out May's CE Course: The Diagnosis…

Mad Hatters Group Online Meeting

FAMILY is our next theme for our virtual lunch meeting. Let’s have a virtual “Family Affair” on May 12th at 12:00 p.m.  Family is so important to all of us. …

Triad Vet Coalition Online Meeting

Let's get together.  Even though we may not be able to meet in person, let's take an hour and spend time catching up.  We know we didn't meet in April,…

ACAP May Meeting

Aging in Place: Community Resources CHANGE OF PLAN: We will not meet at Knollwood Baptist, but the panelists will broadcast their talk: Tuesday, May 19th, at 5:30 PM via ZOOM and Facebook…