HIPSS: Serving Seniors Since 2007
Realizing the need for a change, Healthcare Industry Professionals Serving Seniors (HIPSS) was formed. The first meeting took place in January of 2007. In three months, membership climbed to 113, representing 67 agencies. Officers were elected, a Board of Directors was established, and the following committees were formed: Membership and Social Committee, Education Commitee, and Community Relations Committee.
HIPSS was built on a collaborative, not a competitive model. As such, HIPSS looks to establish formal collaborative relationships with other groups serving Seniors. Each member contributes their talent and expertise to further educate the entire group to achieve the mission of HIPSS. That mission is: To improve the qualify of life for the seniors we have the privilege of serving, by improving relationships and communication between providers; expanding their knowledge base and resources to effectively serve our seniors with the utmost dignity and respect.
HIPSS meets the second Wednesday of every month to discuss improving the quality of life for Seniors. Our focus is on the interests ofForsythCounty(and surrounding areas) but membership is not geographically exclusionary. Interested parties may seek paid membership if the individual or agency provides Healthcare Services predominately to Seniors on an on-going basis.
Time is allotted for networking, but the main focus of the group is to improve communication between agencies serving seniors, educate their staff, and improve services across the board. We are not so idealistic to think that every problem will be solved, but we are hopeful that when people serving seniors talk and work together our clients/patients (and we) will notice a benefit. If you are passionate about the service you provide, come join us. If you are interested in learning more about HIPSS or would like to attend the next meeting, please contact the HIPSS President.