The Coalition of Ministries for Older Adults
Sponsored by The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston Salem
will meet IN PERSON on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2022
11:45-1:00 pm
2895 Shorefair Drive, Winston-Salem
Complimentary Lunch provided by Brookdale Senior Living
RSVP Required
Space Limited to 25
What’s New with Senior Services?
Lee Covington, President and CEO
Renee Griffin, Creative Aging and Partnership Officer
Anita Ford, Memory Connections Project Coordinator
If you have been on Shorefair Drive recently, you have probably seen lots of activity going on in the back parking lot of Senior Services, Inc. What you see represents far more than just a new building for this organization which has served older adults in our community for more than twenty years. What you see taking shape is the Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness, a new concept for bringing generations together in ways that will benefit all ages.
At our December meeting, Lee Covington will share information about how this new center will benefit people throughout our community. Renee Griffin and Anita Ford will provide an overview of the Memory Connections Project which provides resources, education, and support for people with memory loss and their care partners.
Please plan to join your colleagues for an opportunity to learn about this exciting new project.